the centerand state government have made considerable effort to enhance the skill of theyouth there continues to be a huge gap between the demand and supply of theskilled workforce. This is magnified by the fact that with the population ofbillion plus people and majority in the average of 25 years nearly 300 millionpeople are underemployed or unemployed. On the other side industry is in theacute shortage of skilled labour. This clearly highlights that most of ourpopulation under skilled and therefore  unemployable. The nationalinstitute of skill development has been established with a primary objective toenhance skill of the youth of the india to meet the growing demands ofmodern industrialization in india. NISD is starting today to be apart of changing face of tomorrow, to build a locally employable,nationally demanded and globally prepared work force.
India's population is large at 1.21 billion it is expandingat a fast rate and integrating rapidly into global economy. India isamong the YOUNG countries in the world with the proportion of thework force in the age group of 15-59 years, increasing steadily.however, presently only 2%of the total workforce in India have undergone skillstraining. India has a great opportunity to meet the future demands of theworld. India can become the worldwide sourcing hub for skilled workforce. thechallenges for India geomagneticed, as it need to reach out to the millionplus workforce ready population. While facing an ever increasing migrationof labour from agriculture to manufacturing and services.